Από Wiki Τμήματος Μαθηματικών
Αναθεώρηση ως προς 15:43, 24 Αυγούστου 2022 από τον Mathwikiadmin (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές) (Νέα σελίδα με '# Casella, G. and Berger, R.L. (2002). Statistical Inference. Duxbury Press; 2nd edition. # Mood A. et al. (1974). Introduction to the theory of Statistics. McGraw-Hill. # Roussas G. (1997). A course in Mathematical Statistics. Academic Press. # Hogg, R and Craig, A. (1978). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. # Lehmann, E.L. and Casella, G. (1998). Theory of point estimation. Springer; 2nd edition. # Bickel, P.J. and Doksum, K.A. (1977). Mathematical Statist...')
- Casella, G. and Berger, R.L. (2002). Statistical Inference. Duxbury Press; 2nd edition.
- Mood A. et al. (1974). Introduction to the theory of Statistics. McGraw-Hill.
- Roussas G. (1997). A course in Mathematical Statistics. Academic Press.
- Hogg, R and Craig, A. (1978). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.
- Lehmann, E.L. and Casella, G. (1998). Theory of point estimation. Springer; 2nd edition.
- Bickel, P.J. and Doksum, K.A. (1977). Mathematical Statistics, Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Vol. 1. Holden-Day.
- Rohatgi, V.K. (1976). An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Rao, C. R. (1973). Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications. Wiley: 2nd edition.
- Lehmann, E.L. and Romano, J.P. (2005). Testing statistical hypotheses. Springer; Third edition, New York.
- Van der Vaart (1998). Asymptotic Statistics. Cambridge University Press.
- Τ. ΠΑΠΑΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ-Κ. ΦΕΡΕΝΤΙΝΟΥ: Μαθηματική Στατιστική Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη.
- Ηλιόπουλος, Γ. (2013). Βασικές Μέθοδοι Εκτίμησης Παραμέτρων. Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη; 2η έκδοση.