Special Topics in Probability (MAE838)

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School of Science

Academic Unit

Department of Mathematics

Level of Studies


Course Code




Course Title

Special Topics in Statistics

Independent Teaching Activities

Lectures (Weekly Teaching Hours: 3, Credits: 6)

Course Type

Special Background

Prerequisite Courses -
Language of Instruction and Examinations


Is the Course Offered to Erasmus Students

Yes (in English, reading Course)

Course Website (URL) See eCourse, the Learning Management System maintained by the University of Ioannina.

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes

The course’s objective is to introduce students to the limiting behaviour of sequences of random variables for various types of data which are independent but not necessarily identically distributed. Particular emphasis is given to the strong law of large numbers and the central limit theorem under these conditions. The starting point is the basic concepts and terminology of probability theory in combination with measure theory. Particular emphasis is given in measuring the accuracy of the approximations offered by the specific central limit theorems, i.e. Berry-Esseen bounds, etc) as well as alternative and more accurate approximations: Edgeworth expansions, saddle point approximations.

General Competences
  • Working independently
  • Decision-making
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking
  • Criticism and self-criticism.


The concepts of Sigma Algebra, measure, measurable functions and Lebesgue integral. Applications of convergence of random variables: variance stabilizing transformations, bias correction, symmetry transformations and applications in Statistics. Bounds for sums of random variables (not necessarily i.i.d.). Generalizations of the Strong Law of Large Numbers on non-i.i.d. observations. Generalizations of the central limit theorem to non independent / non i.i.d. observations. Accuracy of central limit theorems: Berry-Esseen bounds, Edgeworth expansions, Saddle point approximations.

Teaching and Learning Methods - Evaluation


Classroom (face-to-face)

Use of Information and Communications Technology -
Teaching Methods
Activity Semester Workload
Lectures 39
Working independently 78
Exercises-Homeworks 33
Course total 150
Student Performance Evaluation

Final written exam.

Attached Bibliography

See the official Eudoxus site or the local repository of Eudoxus lists per academic year, which is maintained by the Department of Mathematics. Books and other resources, not provided by Eudoxus:

  • Ένα δεύτερο μάθημα στις πιθανότητες, Δ. Χελιώτης, Εκδόσεις Κάλλιπος
  • K.B. Athreya and S.N. Lahiri, Measure Theory and Probability Theory, Springer (2006), υλικό από κεφ. 8 και 11.
  • Petrov, Limit Theorems of Probability Theory: Sequences of Independent Random Variables, Oxford University Press (1995) (υλικό κυρίως από εδώ).
  • Billingsley, Probability and Measure, Wiley (1995), υλικό από κεφ. 22 και 27.